I did what I could ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
- I try 5 times on posting the full comic on a blog post lol, there's a limit of images per post on the art submissions, but it looks like here on the blog post you can put more, however so far NG have crash on me when I try, but that's what I get for tryng to cram 24 img in just one post loool ง( ᐛ )ง
Well, I still post two versions of my comic here NG with art of the cover: [ English ver.] [ Español ver.] and an link for each version of it so you can read it, ( Para la gente que habla español: La version en español es exactamente igual a la version en ingles para los que preguntaron cunado salió, lo único que cambia son los diálogos creo, por lo de la traducción y adaptación y todo eso, pero es igual.)
- I hope you all have fun reading it, it was a good experience making it and I hope I can make more projects like this in the futurre; maybe one day one wiill able to post long comics here in NG ( ´ ▽ ` ) one can dream of it.